The Toronto Writing Project supports educators to address equity issues in their classrooms through writing.
Educators share poems at the 2017 TWP Spring Institute.
The Project
The Toronto Writing Project in the Centre for Urban Schooling at OISE is composed of teachers, activists, and researchers who view writing as a mechanism for addressing equity issues across subject matter, across core subjects. TWP encourages formal and informal research opportunities for youth and teachers working individually and collaboratively to address equity issues in their classrooms, schools, and communities.
“We teach our students not only by what we say in the classroom but also by what we do in the world.”
— Linda Christensen, Director of the Oregon Writing Project
Starting with the idea that teachers are well positioned to generate knowledge about writing and equity, and then use this knowledge to create peer to peer professional development networks that are tied to local and trans-local issues, the Toronto Writing Project is committed to building inquiry around teaching and writing. This project draws inspiration from well-established research collectives such as the the National Writing Project (NWP) and the Philadelphia Writing Project (PhilWP).
Karen Murray, Toronto District School Board, at the 2017 TWP Spring Institute.
Learn with us
The Toronto Writing Project supports teachers to develop a broad range of perspectives on what goes on in their own classrooms and larger educational communities. We are committed to creating a community of inquiry through monthly meetings that explore issues in teaching writing for social justice and developing a network of critical educators in the GTA through summer institutes related to writing and equity.
Annual Spring Institute
Our annual institute brings together teachers, researchers, and guest speakers to explore issues of culture, context, and identity in urban classrooms.
Creative Writing Workshops
Our monthly creative writing workshops invite participants to explore their own creative voices and various possibilities for creative writing activities across all grade levels.
Rob Simon, Director of the Toronto Writing Project, with Linda Christensen at the 2017 TWP Spring Institute.
Become a member
If you are a Toronto area teacher with an interest in writing and social justice, we invite you to become a member of the Toronto Writing Project.